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Kingdom Come

Author: Mark Waid
Gorgeous. That's the first word that comes to mind when I think of the incredible art by Alex Ross for Kingdom Come. The painterly work here is incredible, calling to mind Norman Rockwell and Thomas Hart Benton more than Jack Kirby. The story itself is amazing as well. An alternate history look at what happens when heroes are in for the long run and lose touch with the reality on the ground. It is the story of super-powers vs. humanity, about force of will vs. force of conviction, about loss and pain vs. the path towards rightousness. The stand-offs between all the concepts here are what make this series one of the truly great Elseworlds concepts, but it also pushes the emotional baggage of decades of each and every one of these characters right up to the front. The gouache work by Ross is phenomenal, and heroic, and has redefined the imagery associated with so many of these characters, especially Captain Marvel, but the script, by Mark Waid and Ross, is equally strong, and it is this comic, more than any other, that brought the Elseworld's concept to a new maturity in both critical content, and artistic approach. Why it's on the list: Powerful story, unforgettable art, and an amazing reading experience.