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Terminator 2

Author: James Cameron

Iconic. It's a word that gets tossed around a lot, but the images found in Terminator 2 are 100% iconic. Arnold Schwartzenegger's return as the Terminator on the side of good this go-round is easily his best performance, but he's surrounded by a story that is complex. It's more than an action film, and  even when it slips into somewhat heavier material that he can handle (like trying to express his take on experiencing mortality), Arnold never once fails to give it his all. The visual effects are dazzling, with wide-scale use of morphing. That technique would define what audiences would expect from big-budget features throughout the 1990s. Director James Cameron plays his role perfectly, giving the viewer everything they need to attach to the film, as well as presenting actors with the chance to work within a framework that allows them to show off their skills. Why it's on the list  Effects are phenomenal for the time, and you really will never be able to appreciate Arnold unless y ou see how he plays this role so perfectly.