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Top 25 Underrated Science Fiction Books
Making up a list of 'underrated' books is even iffier than making up others; like 'best ever' suchlike. What to include and how books are ranked becomes more subjective than ever. So, the list below you see here is very subjective indeed. Besides, what's 'underrated' now, may or may not have been 'underrated' in the past, or vice versa.
The novels (and one story-collection) here made it onto the list for a range of reasons. The basic qualification is that they're good reads, from first-class authors. Then they also must be outstanding examples of 'science fiction'; that is, they must have a significant 'science' element, even if they're mixing genres. 'Science' means anything from physics to personal or social psychology. 'Underrated' means that in the opinion of this reviewer, the books in this list either did not get the credit they deserved, or aren't getting it anymore. Some of them are completely forgotten, even though they belong among the 'classics'. A few were brief bestsellers, but quickly faded from view. Others eschew the deep-and-meaningful for the sake of providing readers with great entertainment, mixed with solid and involving imagination and some great story telling. And isn't that what it's all about? There are only 25 books on this list—25 of literally hundreds that never made it into prominence and acclaim, despite deserving to get it. I hope you'll find at least one or two on this list that you've never heard of or, if you have, never thought of reading until now. And maybe now you will, and discover some unexpected delights and should-be-classics.
You can view the crowd-ranked version of this list and vote on the entries at the bottom of this page.
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Books in The Dying Earth Series (5)
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There have been many sequels by other hands to Vance's stories, perhaps the best of which is the Dying Earth story, A Quest for Simbilis by Michael Shea.
Many writers have written stories in the Dying earth subgenre, the most startling and innovative of which is The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe.
You should also check out the Dancers at the End of Time sequence by Michael Moorcock, a sequence of novels and stories of frankly variable quality which describes the adventures of decadent immortals at the end of time who indulge in elaborate games, petty duels, and extravagant romances.
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Neal Stephenson's novels have got bigger and bigger as his career has gone on. It's like he's trying to squeeze an entire world between the covers of a book. But however much detail you'll find in there, there's always a strong story that just keeps you turning the pages. There are several books that could equally well command a place in our Top 100 list.
Make sure you look at our 'Top 25 Best Cyberpunk Books list' and our Guide to the Cyberpunk Genre.
For similar recommendations, you should look at other cyberpunk works that have proved influential.
William Gibson's Neuromancer is the gold standard in cyberpunk and pretty much the founding father of the movement in science fiction.
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep -- a highly influential work by PKD that's touched literature and film. The futuristic noir dystopian metropolis setting of the film has inspired generations of sci fi movies and video games. Truth be told, there have been few science fiction books as influential on pop culture as THIS work. As such, you absolutely should read it.
For a modern violent take on the cyberpunk genre, Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan. It's brutal, violent, dark, and has a mystery-detective tale that keeps you hooked from start to finish. This is one of the most exciting cyberpunk thrillers in the genre.
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